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Jr. Etiquette Scholar Academy

September 2024-March 2025 

Join our most popular etiquette academy  for girls in grades 6th - 8th grade scholars will be introduced to public speaking, self-confidence, healthy hygiene, healthy friendships,  finance, party etiquette and will gain strong practical skills that will leverage their engagement while navigating any environment.  Courses are all-inclusive and provide workbooks, a class tee and session kits along with guest speakers..

2024 Jr. Etiquette Scholar Academy Dates

All course materials, uniform top, snacks & meals included)  OPEN



Enrollment Opening Soon!



Etiquette Scholar Academy

Dates TBA

Join our most popular Academy for adolescent girls ages 13-17! Girls will be introduced to public speaking, self-confidence, Internet awareness , online safety, healthy hygiene, basic make-up and hair care tutorials, healthy friendships, dating etiquette & boundaries, party etiquette and so much more. Etiquette Scholars will gain strong practical skills that will leverage their engagement while navigating any environment.  Courses are all-inclusive and provide workbooks, a uniform top, and session kits along with a small ration between  4:1 -5:1 ratio of students.

2024 Elite Etiquette Scholar Academy Dates

Additional Enrollment Dates Coming Soon! --All course materials, t-shirt, snacks & meals included) CLOSED


Enrollment Opening Soon!


Mini Etiquette Scholar Academy

Dates TBA

Join our most popular Academy  for our little girls in grades K-2nd! Girls will be introduced to the golden rule, basic manners, self-confidence, basic hygiene, healthy friendships, basic dining, party etiquette and so much more! Our Mini Etiquette Scholars will gain strong practical skills that will leverage their engagement while navigating any familiar environments as well as in transitioning into new environments.  Courses are all-inclusive and provide workbooks, a uniform top, and session kits along with a small 6:1 ratio of students.

Note: Mini Etiquette courses are 60 minutes. 

2024 Mini Etiquette Scholar Academy Dates:

Additional Enrollment Dates Coming Soon!

All course materials, t-shirt, snacks & meals included) CLOSED


Enrollment Opening Soon!


Charm & Class Butterfly Tea Party

Coming Soon!

Wear your very best dress and pick out a hat and accessories to wear for a premier birthday tea event! Girls will have the opportunity to pick out nails polish, hair accessories and enjoy a classy tea party with their friends. The birthday girl will enjoy a fashion photo shoot, dance party and a fun craft activity with all of her friends. All paper products are included. Birthday girl will receive a sash and tiara along with party favors for herself and all of her guests.

Contact for details


Summer Camp

We are excited to host our Etiquette filled summer camp in 2024!

Check out the recap from our very first camp!

Registration Now Open for 2024

Day Camp and Twilight Camp!

Prices between $130.00- $145.00!

Book your daycare or summer camp event for a fun filled interactive  etiquette session!


We travel!

Contact for details


Girl Scout Social Butterfly Badge

Girls often find themselves in a group or situation in which they are unsure of how to best represent themselves. It happens to everyone! While working on this badge, girls have fun practicing their social engagement, and good manners helping them become comfortable in any situation.

Girl Scouts - TME is proud to offer programming for 5 different badges and patches* Girls Scouts of the USA. Lessons are available for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. We are happy to visit your troop!

$15 per Girl Scout* 

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